
Más grande que su mala fama es su corazón. Esta preciosidad de ppp lo ha rescatado mi gran amigo y compañero Antonio y le vamos a bautizar como Nevado en honor a su perrito que ya descansa en paz. Nevado es súper joven, un añito aproximadamente y tiene un carácter adorable, apto con perros y gatos. Es súper súper bueno y no me gustaría que se quedara estancado aquí en la prote ya que el extres puede estropear el carácter tan maravilloso que tiene pero Antonio le ha salvado de acabar en la perrera y hemos decidido darle una oportunidad, por que todos los perros sean de la raza que sean lo merecen. ¿Me ayudáis a moverle sin parar haber si entre todos encontramos la mejor familia para el? Yo ya le amo con locura, me ha robado el corazón en tan solo un día y no me veía capaz de negarle la ayuda así que Nevado ya forma parte de la familia Amores Peludos , bienvenido mi amor.

Bigger than his bad reputation is his heart. This precious ppp has been rescued by my great friend and companion Antonio and we are going to baptize him as Nevado in honor of his little dog who is now resting in peace. Nevado is super young, approximately one year old and has an adorable character, suitable with dogs and cats. He is super super good and I would not like him to remain stuck here in the shelter since the extremes can spoil the wonderful character he has but Antonio has saved him from ending up in the kennel and we have decided to give him a chance, because all dogs, whatever their breed, deserve it. Can you help me move him non-stop to see if between all of us we can find the best family for him? I already love him madly, he has stolen my heart in just one day and I did not see myself capable of denying him help so Nevado is now part of the Amores Peludos family, welcome my love.